* 展覽觀眾須預約登記參觀時段。第一期為29/12-3/1,第二期為5/1-10/1,第三期為12/1-17/1,第四期為19/1-24/1,第五期為26/1-31/1。
* 任何進入本館的人士皆需接受體溫測量。如有發燒徵狀(耳溫38℃或以上 / 額溫37.5℃或以上),將不能進入本館;
* 參觀者需於進場前佩戴口罩,並於入場前及離場時,使用由本場地提供的酒精搓手液;
* 為控制人流及加強清潔,展覽將採取分段式參觀;
* 每節參觀時間為30分鐘,開放時段為11:00-11:30 / 11:45-12:15 / 12:30-13:00 / 14:15-14:45 / 15:00-15:30 / 15:45-16:15 / 16:30-17:00 / 17:15-17:45;
* 每節最多可容納2位參觀者。參觀者請先在此表格登記以確認名額。
* 因節數有限,已報名人士務請準時出席。逾時十分鐘名額將自動讓予下一名參觀人士。
* 參觀者如有發燒、咳嗽、呼吸道感染及或腹瀉等症狀,將不能進入本館,並應盡快就醫及在家隔離;
* 如參觀者於過去14日曾離港,請自行在家隔離,不要外出活動。
* 本館於星期一及公眾假期休息。
【Special Opening Arrangements】
To comply with the latest guidelines of public gathering, special arrangements and precautionary measures will be practiced at Lumenvisum. Details are as follows:
*Visitors are required to register prior visiting. Registration form I (29/12-3/1), Form II (5/1-10/1), form III (12/1-17/1), form IV (19/1-24/1) and form V (26/1-31/1) will be released accordingly.
* Visitors are required to take a temperature check before admission. Visitors with fever symptoms (body temperature 37.5℃ or above) will not be allowed to admit;
* Visitors should wear surgical masks before admission. Alcohol hand sanitisers will be provided for visitors;
* To implement crowd control and enhance the cleaning, the exhibition will open with limited admission;
* Opening hours are as follows: 11:00-11:30 / 11:45-12:15 / 12:30-13:00 / 14:15-14:45 / 15:00-15:30 / 15:45-16:15 / 16:30-17:00 / 17:15-17:45 (30 mins per session) ;
* Capacity of each session is limited to 2 visitors only. Please submit the registration form below prior to visiting.
* Due to limited sessions, please be on time for your registered time slot. The current time slot will be automatically given to the next attendee in case of late arrival of 10 minutes.
* Visitors who have respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, muscle pain, fatigue and headache, as well as vomiting and diarrhoea, will not be allowed to admit. Visitors with these symptoms should seek medical advice promptly and stay at home.
* Anyone who has visited any places outside Hong Kong in the past 14 days are required to undergo a compulsory 14-day self-quarantine.
* Lumenvisum is closed on Monday and public holidays.
The arrangements and precautionary measures will regularly be reviewed and further revised in accordance with the current situation, please be in touch with our notice. Be alert and stay healthy.