Moreland Notre Dame Technology Acceptable Use Guidelines
We are pleased to offer our students of Moreland Notre Dame access to technology. To utilize the technology offered at Moreland Notre Dame, this form must be signed and submitted to the office.
Students are responsible for good behavior on school devices just as they are in a classroom or school library. It is presumed that users will comply with school standards and will honor the agreements they have signed. School personnel will make the standards clear and monitor use as reasonably appropriate as possible, but cannot be responsible for the actions of individuals who violate the standards. File storage areas may be treated like students’ school desks. Administrators may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and insure that users are using the system responsibly. Users should not expect that files stored on computers will be private.
As outlined in The MND Parent and Student Handbook, copies of which are available on our website, the following are not permitted.
· Eating or drinking while using Chromebooks or computers in the Library
· Running/roughhousing while using Chromebooks or computers
· Displaying offensive messages or pictures
· Using obscene language
· Harassing, insulting or attacking others
· Damaging computers, computer systems, computer networks or library books.
· Violating copyright laws
· Using another person’s password
· Trespassing in another person’s folders, work or files
· Intentionally wasting limited resources
· Employing the network for commercial purposes.
Violations may result in a loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action. Parents may be held responsible, financially or legally, for the actions of their children. As a user of the Moreland Notre Dame, while using Chromebooks or computers, classroom tablets and Library computers, I agree to obey the rules as stated in the “Moreland Notre Dame Computer Lab Acceptable Use Guidelines” in our Parent and Student Handbook. I agree to communicate and use the computers and tablets in a responsible fashion while honoring all relevant rules and restrictions. I understand that the files I store on the school’s network are not my personal property and are open to inspection by school personnel.