Feedback about ICD/SCS/IEO Pakistan
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ICD Institute of Career Development
SCS Student Counseling Services
Ireland Education Office
General Feedback what I experienced
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Your ICD/SCS Center
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ICD/SCS Karachi
ICD/SCS Lahore
ICD /SCS Islamabad
SCS Sialkot
SCS Gujranwala
SCS Peshawar
Your Status
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Student taking classes
Teaching Qualification Course
Appeared in exam at ICD
Teacher taking training courses
Visitor taking information
Student applying abroad/ Student visa
General Public
Is this Feedback about a staff member / teacher / trainer at ICD/ SCS/ IEO
If Yes, name of staff member / teacher and ICD/SCS Center
Would you like to launch a complaint?
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Your Feedback
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In case of shared feedback, ICD can share it with staff/ students / social media.
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