Students joining DBIS from Year 7 to 9 required to bring their own Chromebook to school. Students in Year 10 to 13 are required to bring their own laptop to school.
Some Primary students are also allowed to bring their own devices to support their learning if recommended by the Learning Enhancement Team.
Before being connected to the school WiFi, DBIS requires students to read and agree to follow the school's Student BYOD policy.
Once you have completed the form below, please take your laptop to Carlos in the IT Department (next to Accounts) for checking.
Checking will take approximately 1-2 hours.
Submit a screenshot as a proof of your paid antivirus full system scan which was completed within the last seven days to shorten the checking process:
1. Close all running programs and apps.
2. Run your paid antivirus FULL system scan.
3. Upload a screenshot after the FULL scan is completed.
Here's a sample for your reference:

4. Complete and submit this form
Additionally, here are some instructions on how to find your Mac Address for your machine: Mac Address Guide