Share your Internship Experience!
Which Internship / Training you have experienced?
What is the duration of your academic experience?
Less than a week
Less than a month
2 - 6 months
Option 4
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Please Answer The Below Questionnaire
1. Please tell us something about yourself. Where and what are you studying currently?
2. Give us details about your internship - process of application, stipend, duration and place?
3. How competitive was the selection process? According to you, which qualities have helped you have an edge in the selection process? Also, what were the key things that selectors were looking for?
4. Could you please highlight the work/research you carried out during your internship period?
5. Can you give us interesting details about your experience – good and bad? (It could be something like the amazing location of your internship, the friends you made for life, a bad senior, accommodation given in case of an outstation internship and something along those line.)
6. How do you think this internship has helped you grow? In other words, what are your key takeaways from the internship?
7. Has this internship had a decision altering impact on your career? Do you now think of a different future path as compared to before doing the internship?
8. Lastly, do you have any words of advice or caution for students aspiring for this internship and reading this piece?
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