BLS200 Full Year Registration Form 全年课程报名表格
Student's Name 姓名
First Name
Last Name
Student Number 学生号码
Student number is issued upon enrolment into BLS/SLT school. If you have not enrolled yet, please enrol into the school first before registering for your course of choice.一旦你註冊進入LBS/ SLT學校,你會收到一個學生號碼。如果您尚未登記,請首先為您所選擇的課程註冊之前報名入校。
Email 电邮
Phone Number 联络号码
Country Code
Area Code
Phone Number
School & Curriculum 学校和课程
BLS200 English
I am registering for: 我要报读的是
BLS200 Full Year Program 全年课程
BLS200 Repeat Student Full Year Program 全年课程重复学生
Alumni School Audit 校友再修生
I am registering for BLS200 Entrance Exam: 我报名参加联考是
S$10/individual 个人
S$15/couple 已婚夫妇
S$15/parent child 家长孩子
S$15/pair of sibling 一对兄弟姐妹
S$5/ additional child/sibling 已报读学员子女 / 兄弟姐妹
S$0 for Repeat Student 课程重复学生
S$0 I am a graduate 我是毕业生
Your Family 您的家庭
This segment be completed ONLY if you have family member/s doing the course with you. If you are signing up as an individual, please indicate "NA" at the following fields [Each of your family member need to separately register too]只有当你有家庭成员与你一起登记才需要填写此段如果您注册为个人,请注明“NA”在以下领域[你每一个家庭成员都需要单独注册过]
Spouse's/Child's/Sibling's Name 配偶孩子的姓名
First Name
Last Name
Spouse's/ Child's/Sibling's Student ID 配偶孩子学生号码
Additional Child's/Sibling's Name 已报读学员子女 / 兄弟姐妹的姓名
First Name
Last Name
Additional Child's/Sibling's Student ID 已报读学员子女 / 兄弟姐妹学生号码
List 3-4 master principles from your BLS100 course that had the deepest impact on your life and state how they were used to change your thinking and subsequently, your behaviour. 从BLS100课程列表3-4主原则对你的生活影响最深
Please explain in a 2-3 paragraph essay what you hope to gain from taking BLS200 course. 我希望从参与BLS课程中获得什么。
Do you already know someone who is a trained BLS200 Facilitator whom you would like have facilitate you? If so, please indicate their name. 你是否认识接受过BLS200 培训的带课人员,并希望由他们来带领你? 如有,请填写他们的名字。
Student Agreement 学生协议
As a student, I agree to fulfil my responsibilities to the curriculum and to my facilitator by participating in all required activities and staying accountable to finish my assignments. 我同意参加各种活动和完成功课,以完成学生对课程和带领者的责任.
For Repeat Student Only 重复仅学生
Please indicate why you had to suspend your school coursework the first time you enrolled. 请说明你暂停首次录取学校课程的理由。
Course Fee Payment Options Full Year Program 全年课程支付方式
DBS Current Account.: 015-904025-9 or Cheque payable to "HF Business Leadership Institute Pte. Ltd." 星展银行来往户口帐号 015-904025-9 或支票支付至"HF Business Leadership Institute Pte. Ltd."
I will pay via PayNow to 通过PayNow支付 UEN 201412299K
I will pay via Internet Banking 我将通过网路转账支付
I will pay via ATM 我将通过自动提款机支付
I am an overseas student, payment by cash or PayPal
HF Institute is offering students monthly instalment payment options commencing in June 2019. HF Institute为学生提供分期付款选择, 于2019年6月开始。
Individual, Single Payment in Full 个人, 单全额付款 S$895
Married Couple/Parent Child/Siblings, Single Payment in Full 夫妇/家长孩子/兄弟姐妹 单全额付款 S$995
Individual, 4 Instalment of S$200 monthly plus 1 instalment of $100 个人, 4次S$200分期付款加一次S$100分期付款
Married Couple/Parent Child / Siblings - 5 instalment of S$200 monthly 已婚夫妇/家长孩子/兄弟姐妹, 5次S$200分期付款
BLS Repeat Student 重复学生 (per person每人) S$100
Alumni School Audit 校友再修生 (per person每人)$$50
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