Saying the words "I want to be a fashion designer" is as easy as pie. However, mastering the skills and honing one's potential may be more challenging than simply saying one wants to be a fashion designer. Before you can get a fashion designer job, you need to understand the demands of such a job. Most importantly, you need to know what a fashion designer is, what he does, and the pre-requisites of being one. First things first, one must at least have a degree in fashion design.
Aside from the basics and skills that are learned in fashion design school, continuous learning is also essential. One can do this by attending fashion shows, learning about fashion updates through reading magazines, taking art related classes, reading fashion blogs, checking the Internet for the chicest boutique tops online, as well as observing advertising related to fashion. It is important to learn about the current events that have a direct effect in the fashion industry.
A fashion designer job can be full of glamour and excitement however it also entails a ton of hard work, determination and perseverance. Aside from education, it would always be an edge if one has experience. Since there are limited fashion houses and manufacturers of boutique tops that offer jobs for people with no experience, it will be beneficial if one will apply for internship programs where the possibility of being absorbed is high. Aside from that, another way is by being an assistant for designers. By learning the ropes, the chances of being hired will increase since employers will prefer individuals with significant experience.
Here are some tips on how to become a fashion designer:
· Prepare a resume, cover letter, and portfolio.
Make sure that the portfolio is unique and something that will stick to the employer's memory. Keep in mind that the fashion industry is quite competitive and the employer checks the resumes and portfolios for only a few moments. So make sure that the portfolio will catch their attention.
· When making a portfolio it would be easier to coordinate with other individuals in the industry to create a photo shoot.
Find photographers, models and makeup artists who will also have the benefit of adding the photos in their portfolios. This will give employers a visual representation of one's skills.
· Aside from the portfolio, resume and experience, it would also be a plus if one is good in personal relations.
In the fashion industry, connections are a plus. So make sure that the people you interact with will remember your name and your portfolio.
· Expand your horizons by exploring other employment options like visual merchandising in the retail industry or garment manufacturing.
This will also look good in one's resume as well as showing future employers that one is flexible when it comes to different tasks that a fashion designer might be required to do. This is especially applicable when one will venture out as a designer of their own line.
Always remember that all these tips and guidelines will not garner great results if one is not passionate and focused in becoming a fashion designer. Skills and education can only go so far but the will to succeed in this industry is what will ascertain one's climb in the career ladder.