Open Dharma retreat
Feedback form
First Name
Last Name
Which retreat did you attend?
When was the retreat?
Would you attend another Open Dharma retreat?
What was helpful for you on retreat? Select as many as you like.
Guided meditations
Teachings & Dharma talks
Personal interviews
Connected movement
Overall atmosphere
Silent meditations
Walking meditation
Why were these things helpful?
Was there a specific moment that stands out for you now?
Is there anything else you would like to be included on retreat?
What was most important about your retreat experience?
Do you have any comments or suggestions?
What kind of support do you find most useful after retreat?
What has been most helpful about the current formats for the teachings (in person and on line), as you've interacted with them?
What feels like it might be missing? What suggestions would you like to offer about how, when and where the teachings happen?
Should be Empty: