I hereby authorize animal Health Clinic, to print, display, publish or otherwise use photographs taken off by pet(s), during their clinic/grooming appoint rent, or time of Boarding and for Daycare. My .pet's photos/videos and narne(s) may be used for Animal Health Clint !sprint, online and video-based materials, as well as other Company publications.
I hereby release and hold harmless Animal Health Clinic, from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentially associated with the images specified above.
I further acknowledge that my participation is voluntary, and that I will .not receive finical cornpensation of any type, associated with taking or use/publication of these photographs. I acknowledge and agree that publication of my .pet's photos confers no rights. of ownership or royalties whatsoever.
I release Animal Health Clinic, its employees, and any third parties involved in the creation or publication of at marketing materials, from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my participation.