If you choose "February 7" as your preferred date, make sure to correctly click on the “packages” available and "number of dates" selected.
Example: Click “Package 1- Individual Private School”/ “Package 2- Individual Public School” and click “1” as the number of dates selected.
If you choose "February 7" and “February 14” as your preferred dates, make sure to correctly click on the “packages” available and "number of dates" selected.
Example: Click “Package 1- Individual Private School”/ “Package 2- Individual Public School” and click “2” as the number of dates selected.
If you choose "February 7", “February 14” and “February 21” as your preferred dates, make sure to correctly click on the “packages” available and "number of dates" selected.
Example: Click “Package 1- Individual Private School”/ “Package 2- Individual Public School” and click “3” as the number of dates selected.