Preparing yourself (MUST READ):
1. CoCo Beach is a rocky beach. If you getting there at low tide time:
1.1) Customers have to walk in the water and on the rock. Wearing sandals and shorts are recommended.
1.2) Our staff will carry your luggage, bags. Anyhow, an electricity device might be separated and carried on yours own.
2. Below is some unusual matter that can happen (even in hi-season period). Even it's not often, but to be on the safe side, please be aware:
2.1) By weather & Tide conditions, sometimes the boat driver has to stop at some other beach. Please prepare yourself for walking 1-2 km. along the beach.
2.2) On a big windy day, getting out from the boat in front of Koh Ngai (any beach) is difficult. Anyone with a health or physical problem, pregnant lady, or a small child shall avoid. For a safety reason, please inform our team in advance.
2.3) If the longtail boat can not run from Pakmeng pier because of the weather, there are 2 solution:
- Change to take a speed boat, extra cost will be paid by a customer.
- Change to take a longtail boat from Kuan Tung Ku pier, extra cost for changing the pier and additional for a longtail boat will be paid by the guest.